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horse shoe


By Irish

horse shoe

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Must have had big feet for a shoe that size.!

9 Dec, 2008


I thought it was a horn of an animal at first glance.

10 Dec, 2008


its been on that tree in my garden for ages, never thought of takin a pic of it till yesterday lol

10 Dec, 2008


Why is it nin the tree Eileen ?
It looks nice though.

I have some. I'll put them out I think.

10 Dec, 2008


no reason why its there Hywel, we just found it one day and i just put it on one of the branches

10 Dec, 2008


U lucky Lady Eileen iv been hopeing2find 1 of these in My Garden But Nothing as yet :/ il just keep digging lol :D

10 Dec, 2008


I hope it brings you much good luck.

10 Dec, 2008


aw thanks Ams

10 Dec, 2008


well jacque if i find another one its yours

10 Dec, 2008


It should be the other way Up Eileen hold the luck in , that way it can fall out !!....

10 Dec, 2008


lol story of my life Amy

10 Dec, 2008


At first glance I thought it was a snake.............good luck

10 Dec, 2008


lol thanks Deida

10 Dec, 2008


Wow! Thanx Eileen Best U Get Digging Then lol :) BTW They say if u have it up the way Amy says Eileen the Devil sits in it ? Id leave it how it is ;) lol

10 Dec, 2008


Oh Jacque I,ve never heard that .. we have always known it to be the other way , Oh dear which is right ?

10 Dec, 2008


lol ill google it .
maybe its different depending on where you live.

10 Dec, 2008


ok it says in ireland the horse shoe is held turned up so that the good luck doesnt run out

10 Dec, 2008


Does that apply to England as well Eileen ? ...............

10 Dec, 2008


it said in parts of England Amy, but not which parts lol

10 Dec, 2008


Maybe it,s different where Jacque lives ..............LOL

10 Dec, 2008


EEEEEEEerrrrrrrrrrmmmm Amy Im in Norfolk 2 :) lol

10 Dec, 2008


I know Jacque but ....Kings Lynn thats practically a foreign country , strange things happen there ...........LOL .. Horse Shoes holding Devils etc. I seem to remember a story about a witch being burnt in the market square and it,s her heart you can see on one of the town house walls .

Only joking I like Kings Lynn , we are coming to a see the Russian ice skating at the corn exchange next week . :0) x

10 Dec, 2008


Its true Amy we did Burn Witches on the Tuesday Market Place & yep thats A True Story Members,The Cornhall is a Fantastic Place have u been b4 Amy?I used to Roller Skate In There many yrs ago lol :)

10 Dec, 2008


ok here is prob a daft question but is Norfolk near Pendle?

10 Dec, 2008


Pendle? Iv never heard of that place Eileen? Have u Amy?

10 Dec, 2008


its where they held the witch trial , sorry i have a fascination with witch stories lol

10 Dec, 2008


Yes Jacque I have ! ..Pendal is up north in Lancashire Eileen near where our son lives in Blackburn , we have walked up Pendle hill , there are lots of storys about the witches there and they have days when the gardens seem to be full of witches , ..

Yes Jacque I have been to the Ice skating before , I never miss it if I can help it , I love to watch it .... I use to like roller skating as well , do you remember they had a rink at Hunstanton , It might have been before your time ;0)

You haven,t told us any of your true ghosty stories yet Eileen !!

11 Dec, 2008


my daughter want to go to Pendle hill Amy, maybe next yr she will.
could write a book with all my ghost stories lol.
latest is when i went to bed about 2 weeks ago, pulled back the duvet and found a whole load of crisps there. can honestly say no one in this house did it. the same day we were all in the kitchen just finishing dinner when a thumb tack landed right in front of my sons plate lol

11 Dec, 2008


Oh Eileen , That,s strange , did anyone you know love crisps in bed that,s no longer with us ..... and the thumb tack as well , perhaps they want a favourite decoration putting up for xmas ......

Do you think things like this happen to some people more than others ?

Do you mind , does it worry you ?

11 Dec, 2008


i think its follows people alright Amy.
only one person i can think off , she died this yr. she was a diabetic and used to love having a pkt of ready salted crisps

11 Dec, 2008


Ahh was she very fond of you and visa versa , sometimes I think they try to tell you that they are o.k and happy ...

Charlie at our last place use to find things for us , I lost a bracelet walking across the fields with my daughter taking the dog for a walk , we knew it was useless but we looked for it anyway , the next morning it was laying on the back door mat where we couldn,t possibly have missed it , and that wasn,t the only thing that he layed out for us over the time we were there. ,
We dug up a regiment cap badge ,Dorset badge , which we found out from the locals was his , so we think he was returning the favour .
It,s all very strange .

11 Dec, 2008


brilliant Amy. i never feel scared , do you?
i have a wee spirit that has followed me when i moved house. anytime i see him i know everything is well in my world

11 Dec, 2008


It,s good that you feel happy with it Eileen , My mother died when I was 3 my two brothers 5-7 were sent to one aunt and me to another I have always felt that she was looking out for us , we didn,t get back together untill we were much older and had similar experiences ,
One day I got in my car in the car park local town , I turned the stearing wheel to reverse out , I heard a huge cracking noise I had no idea what it was so decided to carry on I drove along the motorway overtaking other vehicles turned into our village into our driveway . stopped and then the stearing wheel just went round and round in circles it had broken and gone completely you couldn,t steer at all ... . How did it see me all the way home and into the driveway .......... I,m sure somebody was looking after me .............
Eileen you say you see him , do you mean see ..what is he like ? is that to difficult to explain ..........

11 Dec, 2008


wow Amy , someone was certainly looking out for you that day.
it is kinda hard to describe him, hes very tall about 6ft, wears long black coat or cloak. he usually just walks down the hall from my daughters bedroom to the hall door

11 Dec, 2008


~omg !
I think I would be a nervous wreck!The only time I ever felt anything strange was years ago on the shores of Loch Ness.It was a very hot day and very quiet~ as we sat there there was a sudden cold breeze~ over in a second but felt really eerie!

11 Dec, 2008


i love anything like that Arlene lol

12 Dec, 2008


I came in at the end of this....was wondering about the it the size for a drafthorse? like Clydesdale or Percheron? In my childhood my best friend's Dad owned an old drafthorse named Maggie...think she was Percheron...she was put out to pasture but she was a lovely old thing. we would ride on her bare back...our legs couldn't straddle her back....she had to be at least 16-18 hands and we had to scramble up the stall to get on her back and remember to duck really low when she went through the barn door!

19 Dec, 2008


Wow, a Horseshoe tree, we must take some cuttings and populate the globe with them, ha! Just kidding, great pic! I love unusual ornaments in the garden.

13 Jan, 2009

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