New project 2

7 Feb, 2008
Comments on this photo
Hmmm sensory garden- clever idea!
Well I would think you need to titillate the 5 senses. Sight, sound,taste, smell and touch.
You've started on the scent and taste (in fact the thought of lying in a hammock and plucking a sun warmed strawberry or tomato is very appealling) and will no doubt have more of these to add.
Sound - grasses/dwarf bamboo for wind rustle
Smell - your herbs as you've already started and whatever highly scented plants take your fancy. My own favs are Jasmine and Honeysuckle.
Touch - there are so many tactile plants that don't mind being stroked like grasses, Stachys or chamomile (which helps with the scent too)
Sight - you could fill your boots on this one : colours, shapes or texture
Good luck with it. Sounds like it will be fantastic
7 Feb, 2008
Sound - I already have the bamboo, that is planted around the upright sleepers so whichever end of the hammock you decide o lie you can still hear it.
Smell and some taste I have artemesia powis castle, thyme, rosemary, sage, mint, lemon balm, oregano and curry plant and the clematis armandii, there is also a climbing rose just out of sight. The strawberries are in pots ready to plant when I get the pots hung on the trellis and my tomatoes are just in seed, alot of them are going to my daughters pre school but i'll nick a few before I take them in!
Sight, there are the different foliage and I have a tree fern. I have some santolina on the way which is like having little yellow drumsticks and some varigated sage on the way. I also have some other nice to look at stuff on the way.
The lambs ears is a wonderful idea for touch, the bamboo covers that as well as the fern and the thyme sends out the lovely scent when you step on it or touch it.
I am mad!! I won't be around to see it all as we are putting the house on the market soon hence having most of the plants in pots, but you never know how long your house will be on the market until you sell it!
Thanks for the suggestions
8 Feb, 2008
This is my sensory garden. The 2 upright sleepers are where I hang my hammock. I have just had the 2 trellis panels put up to separate the utility area from the sensory garden, both sides catch the sun apart from the fence behind the bench. I'm planning to hang containers full of tomatoes and strawberries on the other side, but apart from a clematis armandii which I'm going to plant on the trellis next to the fence, I am out of ideas for this side. I have some Santolina and sage coming for the herby area
7 Feb, 2008