Looking out from Pagoda - 3 January

3 Jan, 2009
The winter sun is very welcome today, even though the ground remains frozen
Comments on this photo
Yes stunning even with the killer frost. Yes Gilli inside looking out from the Pagoda, like a gazebo but usually tiered tower like shape.I thought I would help knowing how busy they are with their open gardens.
4 Jan, 2009
Thanks, Pf. This is an oriental pagoda - you will see it on some of our other photos. We needed planning permission because it was 3.2 metres high (the maximum without permission is 3 metres). One of our blogs describes it in detail.
4 Jan, 2009
Thanks to the night shift for their comments! How is it in Canada at the moment - I understand you recently had snow from coast to coast. In the spring, one of my sons is hoping to go there for a year on a work/visit visa. He is undecided which coast but has met a girl from Montreal so that might have some influence!
4 Jan, 2009
WoW T&T fantastic pic and Garden..
4 Jan, 2009
Great view, just need the hot toddy to go with it.!!
5 Jan, 2009
Thanks for the explanation PF and FS. I'm not really that daft. I just neglected to read the title of the photo.... :o( lol.
We did have snow coast to coast over Christmas FS. Unusual for the west coast to get much snow, I don't know about the east coast. Montreal is a very picturesque place. Lots of history there.....at least for Canada. Lots of French-Canadian speaking people too. Apparently French-Canadian is different than French-French.
I would say for him to come to the west coast, but I'm biased. LOL. BC is very beautiful and has a wide range of scenery and climates. Oceans, islands, mountains, plains, grasslands, forests, lakes, rivers, etc. I've never been further east than Montreal so I can't say much about the east coast. Newfienurse would be the expert there.
5 Jan, 2009
Beautifully photographed. Now added to my favourites with several others of your pictures!
13 Jan, 2009
Thanks for your kind comments everyone. We are dividing the clumps of bamboo at the moment. It took a while but we have now learnt the technique!
13 Jan, 2009
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Lovely photo FS. Is this inside a gazeebo?
4 Jan, 2009