The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Willow Dene


By Sal1914

Willow Dene

This brass plaque was originally fastened to the front of our house when we moved in. No sign of a Willow and the name just didn't seem to suit the house. I took the sign down but saved it and eventually fastened it to my shed... feels at home there but still no sign of a willow!

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Do you have room for a weeping Willow? Currently 2-3ft.

4 Jan, 2009


A lovely plaque all the same. Would have been a shame not to use it.Beautifully weathered.

1 Feb, 2009


Aren't weeping willows roots supposed to be invasive??

2 Feb, 2009


Yes, very and the trees grow like mad! I've got a willow (Salix Contorta) with twisted stems, which according to all literature is not particularly fast growing and is more of a large shrub than a tree. Well, I've only had it 4years and pruned it right back hard twice ,including last year but it's back up to about 15 feet high already! So you'd need plenty of space for a weeping willow!

3 Feb, 2009


Hmm, guess it's off my list then!

3 Feb, 2009

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