Starting to open...
By Mikec

7 Jan, 2009
My Amaryllis is starting to open. A welcome site today as we are in the middle of an ice storm and everything has come to a halt.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Janette. The trees look like crystal out there. There is always the worry of branches breaking and downing power lines but so far, so good.
7 Jan, 2009
Brrr, you northeasterners have really been getting it this year. This amarylis will brighten any day looks like.
7 Jan, 2009
I like your new avatar greenthumb... is it a walking iris flower ?
7 Jan, 2009
Yep, bloomed yesterday. Such short lived flowers. I'm hoping to catch at least one more opening while I'm home.
7 Jan, 2009
Have you ever seen the yellow flowered ones greenthumb ? I have both the blue and the yellow. The yellow one doesn't flower as often.
7 Jan, 2009
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Look forward to seeing it full opened Mike it looks lovely ,home would be the best place to be in that kind of weather you are having ,keep warm...
7 Jan, 2009