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What is this houseplant?

What is this houseplant?

I got this plant at my local grocery store, it has fuzzy leaves like an african violet, but the deep purple flowers are more petunia shaped. There was another one there that had white blossoms.

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This is a Sinningia, a member of the Gesneriad family which includes African Violets, Lipstick plants and streptocarpus. This particular Sinningia is also known as a Florists Gloxinia.

8 Jan, 2009


PS.....Welcome to GOY. :o)

8 Jan, 2009


welcome to GOY

8 Jan, 2009


Welcome to GOY. !

8 Jan, 2009


Thanks Gilli! Now I hope that it's not too hard to care for! LOL

And thanks to everyone for the welcome!

8 Jan, 2009


It's not difficult to care for. It will die back after flowering but will grow again.

8 Jan, 2009


When you water them don't let them sit in water in the saucer. Make sure the surface of the soil is dry before you water. Try not to get any water on the leaves. They need bright light but not direct sunlight. Feed with an african violet plant food. Hmmm. What else??? When the plant has finished flowering it may well die back. Not to worry, its just gone dormant. Cut back on the watering a bit until it sprouts forth again. And most of all........Enjoy. They are lovely.

8 Jan, 2009


Thanks Gilli! I appreciate the assistance!

8 Jan, 2009


I used to have one of these and I thought that it died. I didn't know that it went dormant. Thanks for the info Gilli. I'll have to give this one another try.
Welcome to GoY Kutncudly.

9 Jan, 2009

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