ethel the chicken having a look at the green house
By Donnah

22 Jan, 2009
yep I should be able to lay an egg somewhere about here
Comments on this photo
ethel is a little bantom chicken she is very tame Due to me fussy her all the time. She has only just started to lay eggs. And she went next door to lay them
22 Jan, 2009
Did u get the Eggs back Donnah? :D
22 Jan, 2009
I found her yesterday sitting on 12 eggs she was not happy when I moved her But I do not want anymore young chickens
22 Jan, 2009
Wow 12 eggs that great :) I love a Boiled Egg & Soldeirs Dont u MMmmm Yum :)
22 Jan, 2009
Ethel is a very good looking bantam,Donna Hope she continues to lay lots of eggs for you !
22 Jan, 2009
hopefully she will .she is only a year old and very good company. And yes I love boiled eggs with soldiers
22 Jan, 2009
Look at Ethel strutting her stuff.
Eggs and Toast!!! I had to look it up as I've never heard of boiled eggs and soldiers. I think that we call that a 3 minute egg. I usually just pan fry my egg w a little salt and pepper over easy so that I can dip my toast in it. How about eggs in basket? That's a good one. Butter a slice a of bread both sides, then make a small hole (circle) in the middle of the bread with a cookie cutter or something round. Place the bread ( I toast the little round too) in the frying pan on medium. Crack an egg into the hole, salt and pepper the egg. Let cook for a bit and then flip it and cook a bit longer till toast is browned, not too long if you like a runny yoke :)
22 Jan, 2009
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AAAAAAawwwwww shes a Feather Foot we used to have feather foot Pigeons when Kids :) But our Hens were the Red kind & laid well :)
22 Jan, 2009