By Rydeboyz

25 Jan, 2009
The enemies sleeping off their feast.
Comments on this photo
Dont send them this way, got enough of my own.
25 Jan, 2009
Get rid of them quick .
25 Jan, 2009
Off w/ their heads!
26 Jan, 2009
Awww - leave em alone you lot - they're pretty ;-)
26 Jan, 2009
Sorry Sid :( Maybe we could round all of ours up and send them your way :)
27 Jan, 2009
I'll take them - they're not very common where I live and we get a thrill when we see them!!
27 Jan, 2009
You can have them, we have hundreds of the things unfortunately. I won't tell you how I "deal" with them.
27 Jan, 2009
I've got lots of snails, but they don't seem to do any harm...we've got an agreement you see ;-) yeah, why the hell not, just send em all over to me (or Berieh) x-D
27 Jan, 2009
Great angle! Look at the patterns on those shells.
25 Jan, 2009