Winter is for the birds!
By Grammazoo

15 Feb, 2008
At last we got a sunny day in southern Ontario, but it is still cold (-6*C)
Comments on this photo
Just enough to have to shovel the walks and the driveway where the snowplow goes by. So far it has been a light snowfall for winter, but quite cold for this part of Ontario.
15 Feb, 2008
Well, Grammazoo. I do not envy you - I HATE snow, which is why, when we retired, we chose a corner of England which doesn't often get much. I never did like it, even as a child. (Strange, I know) I suppose, living where you do, you are used to it and just get on with it! I hope you get some sun and warmth as well...
16 Feb, 2008
I notice the dates on this post... How has your March been? We are buried up to our necks! It is April and I still have two feet of snow in the backyard. It's enough to may you cranky!
1 Apr, 2008
As of today, April 1st, we are just seeing the snow disappear. There are a few patches left, but it has been 50*f and raining for a couple of days, so that has helped.Today is extremely windy so I am indoors, but I did manage to get out and tidy a bit yesterday, between rainshowers. It felt good! I just don't want to get too optimistic - you know how that goes...
1 Apr, 2008
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How much snow have you got? Is this your normal winter?
15 Feb, 2008