By Jeremy

7 Feb, 2009
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This afternoons' temperature 40C. Bush fire in front of the house
Comments on this photo
That looks dangerous. I hope your house is out of it's reach.
7 Feb, 2009
Hey Bernie, We in SA got out of this one cheaply - the Vics are going through hell. BTW The floods don't look the best.
8 Feb, 2009
Hi Jeremy glad to hear it was bought under control quickly. Yes it's all over the news this morning about the death toll in Victoria and it's expected to rise - very sad news (glad it's nothing like the Ash Wednesday toll). Up here it's a different story - water, water everywhere. It will not stop raining and we are expecting a king tide here in Townsville today - one that's supposed to be peaking around 4.6 metres. That is not good news for the inner city suburbs! Ingham though is coping the worst of it - they have been floodbound for over a week now and it's still raining. Apparently 60% of our state has been declared flood disaster areas - so I think it will be some time before everything gets back to normal. Hope there are no more bushfires around you and the temps. drop considerably very soon!
8 Feb, 2009
Re:glad it's nothing like the Ash Wednesday toll
This evenings news said that it is far worse.
4.6M tide? The sea will take out the esplanade!! Caught a nice Barra off the rocks near the rock pool. Yes Iv'e never seen so much water pity it's all on east of the dividing range. Sometimes one can't win !! It has to rain quite a bit south and west of you for the water to start its way to the Murray, to the North of Rocky the water ends up in the Diamantina (I think) then flows into lake Eyre - fat lot of good!!
8 Feb, 2009
What is happening to this worlds weather ?
11 Feb, 2009
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Looks like it spread very quickly - is it very close to homes?
7 Feb, 2009