By Doon

7 Feb, 2009
Lettuce ready for the N.American market. They grow lettuce only to the end of March, then Melons etc.
Comments on this photo
Hi Doon, I live in the North of England in Yorkshire. We cannot grow lettuce here at this time of year. The lettuce we buy in the Supermarkets is a variety called "Iceberg", it gets used by McDonalds in their Burgers, which has made it popular. It will be another two/three months before out soil is warm enough to plant lettuce.
They can start growing earlier in the South of England, that is much warmer than where I live.
We are starting to get lots of different lettuce varieties to try, all shapes, sizes and colours, particularly "cut and come again" types. I grew salad crops for the firsst time last year, but I think the slugs ate more than we did.
7 Feb, 2009
Hi Doon
the UK gets most of it's lettuce tomatoes etc from Spain.Portugal,Hollant etc but there is this new initiative that has vast greenhouses being built in Kent which will grow it all here.They will be as ecologically as green as possible in tems of heat and water etc and will even have their own beehives in them.
8 Feb, 2009
Hello Arlene & Marge, great to see that U R not lettuce deprived LOL,
I can see that your country would be ideal for lettuce growing. We have the same in Canada, huge greenhouses, it sure is nice to get all that produce in Winter, but then there are the issues with the 100km. diet, ah rats it is hard to stick to that in our cold countries. Don't give up on the lettuce growing Marge, try it in containers & put some slug traps out. Goodluck
8 Feb, 2009
Hi Doon, thanks for the advice. I shall be doing battle with the slugs this year. In the past I have watered my garden in the evening, I have been told that encourages slugs. I shall change my habits and water in the morning instead. I find it difficult to kill things, can't use poison because we have a lot of birds who share our garden with us.
9 Feb, 2009
I agree, hate to harm the birds
10 Feb, 2009
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Note the wet between the rows of lettuce. It gets irrigated at night time.
Is this lettuce popular in UK? Where does your lettuce come from in the Winter months?? green houses?
7 Feb, 2009