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A garden flower photo

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Beautiful close up of passion flower bloom.

11 Feb, 2009



11 Feb, 2009


fascinating colours!

11 Feb, 2009


Lovely photo. It is such an interesting flower.

11 Feb, 2009


Extreme close-up!!! NIce vibrant colors :)

11 Feb, 2009


Beautiful close up......

11 Feb, 2009


Bonkersbon and Wagger were both adding to our education regarding lore surrounding the May or Hawthorn the other day. Do you realise that the Passiflora also comes with lore attached.
The name was given to the flower by Spanish missionaries in South America to the supposed representation of the Passion of Christ. The corona represents the crown of thorns, the five anters the five wounds, the three styles the three nails, the five sepals and the five petals the apostles (less Peter and Judas) and the hand like leaves and tendrils the and flagellate the hands and scourge of Christ's persecutors.
There is even another connection to that which Bonkers was saying and that is the reference he made to the crown of thorns being made from Hawthorn.

12 Feb, 2009


Oh my~ That is fantastic! I love learning lore~ I didn't know that, but it is really interesting~ I wonder how many others have lore and stories??

12 Feb, 2009


I was thinking, wouldn't it be great to have a book with all the lore and stories re: the names of plants and flowers?

12 Feb, 2009


What fantastic colours! When I was a teenager these were the colours I painted my bedroom.

13 Feb, 2009

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