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Sarracenia purpurea


By Sid

Sarracenia purpurea (Sarracenia purpurea (Huntsman's cap))

Today's acquisition! These were half price at Wyevale Garden Centre and I got this one for £1.99. It's just a baby tho....

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Hi I was looking on Ebay at these plants but was undecided whether to buy as they were listed as bare rooted!! bought some venus fly traps last year which seem to be ok, so thought I would try the Sarracenia they are better looking, please let me know how you get on with it..... you certainly had a bargain didnt you?

15 Feb, 2009


I certainly did! Pays to keep your eyes open :-) But the full price was only about £4, so they were not expensive. Sarraceniac has been giving me advice on how to grow these and once they have got going it sounds like they are staight forward. Main thing is - they hate lime, so have to use peat and water with rainwater, also they die if they dry out. They don't need feeding at all.

16 Feb, 2009


This one is a beauty and a steal Sid ! Wish I could get them for that price here ! Never searched for them on Ebay Dotty, I will have to give that a look , might be pleasantly surprised !

9 Mar, 2009


I've repotted it and put it outside now F1 and the red colouring has become more vivid I think :-) Good fun arn't they....

10 Mar, 2009


Yes Sid they certainly are. I love their veining that's what caught my eye the first time I saw one for sale. The white top with it's blood red veining beckoned me in for a closer I knew I had to have it after that , there was no turning back !

11 Mar, 2009


I will get round to doing that blog soon......... this one looks nicer now it's been repotted too.

12 Mar, 2009

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This photo is of "Sarracenia purpurea (Huntsman's cap)" in Sid's garden

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