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Orientalis white

Orientalis white (Helleborus orientalis)

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Hiya Tsuyoshi. How are you? Welcome to GOY. I have this one I thought it was called Helleborus freckle.

23 Feb, 2009


Hello Tsuyoshi, You have some beautiful Hellebores Welcome to GoY

23 Feb, 2009



24 Feb, 2009


Hellow Michaella
Thank you for your first vist to my site and comment on the name.
I don't know the correct scientific name, so I search for the name by using key words, 'Helleborus freckle' in'.
As a result, the explanation was found out : Helleborus orientalis - which has pink, white, and purple forms and cup shaped flowers which contine to please right through -------------. Most of these flowers will have freckles and spatterings of colour on the inner surface which add to the appeal----. URL of the explanation:
Please refer to this website. 'Helleborus freckle' is provably a common name.

Hellow Milky, Gilli and Marquerite, Thank you for your comments on this Helleborus.
This was one of very popular Chrismas roses about five years ago. Recently,we cann't get easily these species in Japan, because any number of new varieties have been produced by crossbreeding from 5 to 6 years ago.

24 Feb, 2009


A delicate flower...lovely!

1 Mar, 2009

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