The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Siberian squill


By Peet

Siberian squill (Scilla siberica (Siberian squill))

A little splash of blue in late February

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Isn't this called Scilla ? ( sorry if I'm wrong )

4 Mar, 2009


Hi Hywel - you may be right. I've always known these as grape hyacinth, but looking at other photos, this differs considerably! One of those old family misnamings, I think. However, it's not an English bluebell. Looks like Scilla siberica. Amended. Thanks!

4 Mar, 2009


Yes I think it is too. I've known Grape Hyacinthe to be Muscari. And the proper English Bluebells have a nodding stem.
I grew up thinking Spiraea was Astilbe. Now I've found out that was a family misnaming too.

4 Mar, 2009


Lovely blue color! Is this a bog plant or one that likes water? It looks very much like what I have always know as Water Hyacinth.

4 Mar, 2009


This plant grows happily in a well-drained sunny border just outside my back door, so I don't think it's water hyacinth. The large leaves at the bottom of the photo are from another plant, which may be confusing things! I'm very happy to be corrected, though.

4 Mar, 2009


Beautiful plant Peet. Not sure if I've seen one quite like this before.

5 Mar, 2009

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