Fishes in the Pond
By Justjan

8 Mar, 2009
There was at least one arrowana.
Comments on this photo
There were many fishes in the pond in Hort Park. This park is newly opened in Singapore. Basically showcased landscaped gardens, interesting container growing ideas (including those in glass containers) etc..
I've no clue what those blues ones are called. Would love to find out.
9 Mar, 2009
Maybe we should "Google" Them Justjan & see if we can find out their Name? :)
9 Mar, 2009
I called up and the counter staff told me the fish were cichlid-cichlasoma species.
9 Mar, 2009
Beautiful fish and so much of them!
9 Mar, 2009
Goodness, a lot in there! a rainbow of fish
12 Mar, 2009
Wow! Uv Loads of Fish Justjan & Those Blue 1s are stunning what are they called ? :)
8 Mar, 2009