My Very Friendly Snails....
By Jacque

26 Feb, 2008
You wont find DOLLOP&PLUG eatting your veg/flowers cos their my pet African Snails & so Cute dont u think? :D
Comments on this photo
Sorry Jacque I am with Majeekahead sorry
26 Feb, 2008
lol im sure ud change ur minds if you held1 cos their so interesting2watch eating&they look@you2 lol! x
26 Feb, 2008
Oh Jacque - no, sorry, I will stick to my Labrador - he's cuddly and he wags his tail and I can take him for a walk.....I bet your snails don't do any of the above!
26 Feb, 2008
actually i would have to disagree......
i like slugs and snails i absolutaly hate spiders and mayfliys though!
26 Feb, 2008
:) Thanx SandyGrove lol ;) ijust love pets/animals :D
27 Feb, 2008
African snails get huge if I remember right! How big are yours Jacque?
Sandygrove I can understand the dislike of spiders but why don't you like Mayflies?
27 Feb, 2008
Their only1year old&the body is about 7inches from nose2tail tip&shell is about 4inches id say so their only small as yet :)
27 Feb, 2008
well maple i dont like them becaues up at our cottage they fly around and get stuck in my hair and so they creep me out and i hate them.
14 Mar, 2008
Snails are one of my sworn enemies. As long as they stay out of my garden, I agree that they're kinda cute.
14 May, 2008
Thanx Tasteyg their my Snails dont go in2 peoples gardens their 2 well fed where they are ;)
14 May, 2008
yuck! gros things! - sorry Jac don't share your affection for them!
26 Feb, 2008