High Tide
By Autumn

9 Mar, 2009
1 like
Not too far from where i live .... comfortable walking distance. Tide is high, can't pick shells
Comments on this photo
you can walk to east coast? 25 min? Nice and deserted in the weekdays :)
9 Mar, 2009
Can walk .... Maybe about 18 minutes to 25 minutes. From house, cross 2 bridges to PP then go underpass, reach already. I walk to PP all the time. From PP to underpass at the other side is way shorter distance compared to the distance between house and PP.
deserted not too good for a single woman. you know the crime this days. have an umbrella handy, especially at the underpass.
9 Mar, 2009
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Gardening with friends since
11 Jan, 2009
Looks like a great walking spot.
9 Mar, 2009