Big Larry
By Catfinch

9 Mar, 2009
He is working at getting down to come see what I want..."did ya need a purr let me give ya one..purr..purr..."
Comments on this photo
I never get fed up with seeing him Cat. He is a credit to all felines. Shame he seems to have got himself glued to that chair.
9 Mar, 2009
He's lovely.
9 Mar, 2009
LOL..actually Toto..I have not seen Larry up on that cabinet since this picture...he can actually leap places from the floor up innnnn my lap just now while I was ughhh..typing..he had to bounce off the dog as I just now moved him off me...the dog..let it go and so did is now sitting above me on the back of my chair looking for another way into my lap...wish he were glued should see him run along a deck looks like a ballerina in a tutu tiptoing quickly along the rail...I get such a kick out of him..and then he lays on the rail and lets all four legs dangle..while he watches birds..will have to try to get a shot of that sometime...
9 Mar, 2009
I'll look forward to seeing that pic. soon.
9 Mar, 2009
Oooooo - yes pleeeeeeease! Lovely Larry x-)
9 Mar, 2009
OMG Larry is such a joy. His personality must match his size. LOL.
9 Mar, 2009
I just finished painting the edges of the ceiling while Larry dodged the ladder legs every where I moved I am waiting for it dry then I will tape to paint walls..Larry is right here..holding paw..with I read I let my left hand rest on the front of my laptop..he has to have his paw on top of my left hand at all not know why..while I type my right arm has to bear the weight of his front paws and head while he leans on it ..thankfully he is not laying across the keyboard ..he would not fit anyway...there is not a keyboard big enough. My right arm is tired now..think I will read for a bit and hold paw.
9 Mar, 2009
Does Larry get to try your recipes first Cj ? or the leftovers by the size of him think you should be called cat winch x
9 Mar, 2009
Oh Catfinch.....I love Larry........Its in the eyes ....This is one superior cat.............
9 Mar, 2009
Toto...Larry is a very finicky eater...he only likes dry catfood..nothing in the can or people food at all..turns his nose up at fish etc..only dry catfood..that is it..also likes dry thinks he is a dog most of the time...I have some pics today that I took of him when he climbed my ladder..I am thinking of doing a Larry blog with if I get to it you may get to see some action shots winched himself all the way to the
Yes Milky he is quite I am not too sure some times..but he is his own cat..that is for sure.
10 Mar, 2009
Don't fall, Larry!
10 Mar, 2009
Just put up a larry on the ladder there is one where he needs to be told not to not
10 Mar, 2009
Oh goody.....going to have a look at the Larry-on-a-Ladder blog.... :-)
10 Mar, 2009
Well it turned out to be called Painting with
10 Mar, 2009
Well even if he fell he'd land on his feet er paws, right? lol I like his white paws...
11 Mar, 2009
He would ..yes..his paws are quite nice..they are about 2 inches across..huge feet coming at your face when he pats of course..but
11 Mar, 2009
What a handsome cat, he looks like king of the castle :-)
14 Mar, 2009
just spotted the new big larry picture , he looks .. . .he looks . . . . . well he looks like Big Larry, you really must do a Big Larry blog Catfinch
10 Apr, 2009
Wow this is one big cat (I thought mine was big till I saw larry!) - he looks gorgeous with his white socks and grey coat, i love cats they are so theraputic, i'm going to look at the larry bog now.
16 Apr, 2009
Big Larry is with my daughter Mindi for a while now...she is the one holding him in the Painting with Larry blog...she is also the one that he started off with, she actually had to hand feed him as kitten...and then he came to me for the last 8 years or I need to let him go back for a bit..she is thrilled to have him back and so are her daughters..she says he is such a cool cat it is so neat to get to have him with her. Sure missing his Sweet Cat ways...such a cuddly cat with a very big purr... :( sniff
16 Apr, 2009
I bet he was just a big ball of fluff as a kitten, just imagining that makes me smile! Sad to hear he won't be with you for a while, though it is nice your daughter gets to share a bit of his cat love with her daughters - looks like his got a lot of love to go round.
17 Apr, 2009
He was Puddles and very sweet and comical as could be...
19 Apr, 2009
Those eyes are great!
29 Apr, 2009
Wow, Larry looks wonderful. And full of character. I see the hair resemblance to Bianca immediately. And she holds hands too. :-) I love grays, I think the color is just fantastic. Beautiful cat.
28 Sep, 2009
Thanks GT..he is at my other daughters now..Patience has him at her place. I managed to catch my little wanna be ferrel gal today, Mary Jane Weasley, and she is going there too..she and he will be glad to be together again...Larry raised her and she never got socialized with people because of that...silly thing, seemed odd as Larry is such a people cat. Now that I am leasing out my home and staying with my daughter Mindi..these two must be with my other daughter who lives close to a big lake and has lots of room and lots of animals..Larry is very happy there now...will be putting her in with him in a porch there until she adjusts and Larry can calm her. Then the other animals will be introduced before letting her outside with all of them. Such is life living with pets... :)
28 Sep, 2009
Wow, lots of transition going on. Great to have family there for you.
28 Sep, 2009
Yes..and it has been busy with transition for sure...never know what will come is not boring. Just a bit crazier than I had thought it would be... oh 7 years ago or so... :o)
28 Sep, 2009
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The wide bits on his side are his wings,I call them..they are tufts of fur that are longer than the rest..he is my angel
9 Mar, 2009