The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

The garden untouched

The garden untouched

Comments on this photo


Oooh, this looks like an exciting spot for a BIG garden project - I will watch with interest what you are up to.

I love the Hameryllis - if you potted it on it could develop into a Sledgehammerylis Grandiflora.

12 Mar, 2009


Hi ducky, it WAS a big project. Its not finished yet but a lot different to the photo, taken in 1998. The Hameryllis is a Crossus Peinii and is unlikely to grow much bigger,the roots looked a bit sick

12 Mar, 2009


Hi ducky, sorry if you are confused by Pamd responding to your comment,we share the same computer and she hadn't logged off after viewing my site so it was me that responded

12 Mar, 2009


Hello again ducky, further to your query on repotting the Hameryllis,one of the problems with them is that they are a bit hit or miss and don't always strike very well.They can also cause black nails and swollen thumbs

12 Mar, 2009


LOL..oh people with a sense of humour you will fit in well on this site!! :0)

12 Mar, 2009


Ah ha!!! It's Pamd with a split personalily......LOL....Interesting facts about the Hameryllis....I've also heard that they are commonly used by wives to murder their husbands....

12 Mar, 2009


I've heard of that too Gilli but I think I'm safe, PamD would never find another slave like me

12 Mar, 2009


Cor blimey Ham.
Looked on your website - the garden that is done looks stunning.

13 Mar, 2009


Hi Ducky do you mean that you looked at our own website or the GOY site?

13 Mar, 2009

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