Butch - the garden 'helper'
By Greenfingers

23 Mar, 2009
Butch was helping me in the garden yesterday, he loved playing out there in the sun, then spent all evening sleeping it off - tiring work is gardening.
Comments on this photo
Lovely cat and I do like your pots full of plants and I think I spy a box full of seed packets,so someone is going to be busy.....
23 Mar, 2009
Tina2, the box of seeds has been waiting to send by post for about 2 weeks now, to my step-dad who's getting into growing his own this year, but I keep dipping into it and planting more seeds. The packets were what I had left over from last year and also spares of what I've bought this year. At this rate there won't be ANY to post to him, I keep picking packets out and looking at the pretty flowers on the front, then planting them. Sorry pops, if you're reading this.
23 Mar, 2009
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Oh its a Toffee look alike!!!!
23 Mar, 2009