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Golden Light's Garden

Golden Light's Garden

March 2009

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... and a lot of work to do.
The coniferous wall is N-E oriented. I'm thinking of some shade-loving evergreen shrubs to plant near it.

25 Mar, 2009


Nice colours there Dawn and I like your long shadow.In a way it is nice having a blank canvas to work with but I know what you mean about the hard work to come....

25 Mar, 2009


The only problem, Tina2, is that my canvas was not so blank :)... In a word - nettles. A lot of them.

25 Mar, 2009


Dawn Nettles are a sign of fertile soil so once you get rid of them any plants you put in should grow.We have nettles on our allotment and they are a pain to dig out so know what you mean.If they get too bad we use a weedkiller on them which is nutrelised as soon as it touches the soil.Brambles are our worst nightmare here as well as Horsetail...

25 Mar, 2009


I didn't thought about that, Tina2. Well, they are so many and so healthy, the nettles, and is good to see in that a good sign :). Thank you.

25 Mar, 2009

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