By Jacque

3 Mar, 2008
Which plant is this?Is it a Rododendron/Camellia/Azalea HELP?
Comments on this photo
?not a clue me Janette:( &it needs repotting maybe why they were giving them away as mothers day freebies? id like 2pot it into bigger pot& accoustom it 2 living outdoors ?Do you think thats possible?/??
3 Mar, 2008
Jacque, I believe that Janette is right. Looking at the leaves it looks like an Azalea.
3 Mar, 2008
Only one thing to remember this will need to be potted in some ericaceous compost
3 Mar, 2008
Thanx il get some more Ericaceous Soil2mrw used the last of mine repotting my baby rododendron :D
3 Mar, 2008
Japanese Azalea to be precise, not fully hardy Jac, - and hates central heating! best place at the moment is somewhere cool but frost free, enclosed porch or conservatory ideal, although it can go outside in the summer! they look great in terricotta pots, but like to cool roots and like their cousins the Rhododendron they like defused light rather than full sun. the worst thing you can do to this plant is let it dry out they are very thirsty, and you will find the best way to water is to fully submerge the pot in a bucket of water for 1/2 an hour or until it stops bubbling then alow to drain, you will find it hard to get enough water in if you just water from the top! ericaceous compost is a must, repot once it finishes flowering, into an outdoor pot, they really do benefit from spending summer outside, they are not really a house plant Jac, they are ok for a few weeks while in flower but will suffer inside long term they do need the elements once the danger of frost has past!
3 Mar, 2008
looks like azalea, i have one almost the same but with red flower buds
3 Apr, 2009
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Might be an Azalea
3 Mar, 2008