The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Spring 2009

Spring 2009 (Nerium oleander (Rose Bay))

Oleander survived Winter. to transplant into the ground but have to smash the pot, shame!

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That is a shame - it's a nice pot. Oleander does look very healthy after winter.

5 Apr, 2009


Lovely to have foliage in early spring.

A tip - plant in plastic pots and then put them in a large ceramic/earthenware pot. That way you can remove/change them easily and quickly - moving them indoors in the winter or getting them out of their pot to put them in the border.

We have one set of ornamental pots and two sets of plastic containers of various sizes to fit. One set has winter planting and the other is planted up with summer bedding which wait in the wings until the weather is more favourable.

28 Apr, 2009


Thanks Fourseasons, now why didn't I think of that! Best way is to learn by your mistakes but trouble is the pot had a sort of enclosed top, guess that was why they were BOGOF. I am now in the midst of making wooden boxes in place of pots and any future transplant will be at ease. Bifornow

29 Apr, 2009

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