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our chameleon


By Mookins

our chameleon

not a very good picture but this is our newest pet. a yemen chameleon that my youngest named "red"... then told us he was green!!
we put him on my neighbours Camelia the other day(quite appropriate I thought) and had a struggle to get him back again

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We used to get these in our garden (and house) in S Africa all the time. Our cat loved to chase them. Amazing how they can change colour so fast... What do you feed 'Red'?

9 Apr, 2009


Perhaps he'll change to red one day :o)

10 Apr, 2009


hes a real piggy he eats crickets,hoppers/locusts, wax worm,meal worms, butter worms, dandilion leaves,chopped grapes laods really. I let him out every now and then just to have a wander but hes a bogger to get back in his vivarium
so my hubby has decided to make a large one for him like double wardrobe size, then at least my net curtains wont get ripped hehe

10 Apr, 2009


Cor, I admire you for looking after one of these, not the easiest of critters! I suppose you buy his food online? I'd hate to think of you trawling your neighbour's garden for those snacks of his, lol!!!

15 Apr, 2009


yeah i couldnt catch the amount he eats, although Im pretty quick at catching the ones that escape around the house!! yes its not nice but fun to watch everybody jump up and diving for them haha

15 Apr, 2009

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