By Xela

6 Mar, 2008
Comments on this photo
Yes, Jacque. It is the south(ish) end of the bed, the continuation of the bed in the previous picture ......the red sunbeam alpine is parked where I would need to stand to get the whole bed in one photo. ( My partner is very fond of the car, he completed Pirrelli Classic Marathon in it some years ago. He is a Sunbeam Alpine enthusiast and would rebuild them if he had enough spare time. Roll on retirement!).
This end of the bed and much of the drive was covered in a thickish layer of defoliant from the overhanging conifers growing next door. Back in the Autumn we began the tidy-up by cutting back the clematis montana which had travelled up the conifers and along the power cables almost to Paul's house. He isn't good with heights but while he was up the ladder we trimmed back the conifers above this bed.
During my efforts so far this year I have removed the ivy, ash saplings, brambles and nettles ( some of the roots go under the drive so I have left enough growth above ground to be able to zap them chemically, something I don't like doing but when needs must .....), found the edge of the drive and moved the defoliant off the drive onto the bed. I am hoping that the pieris and, once planted, the camellia will accept it.
8 Mar, 2008
Wow you did well Xela 2 get all that cleared:) I had same problem with Nettles&Brambles when i started my garden & Boy did i get some nasty scratches :( i looked like id Murdered 1of my cats loll! Iv still some parts of the garden im going 2 get down 2 like yourself when weather permits as i plan on getting my fella 2get my 8x6ft Green House up THIS YEAR ! :D
8 Mar, 2008
Hi Xela.
It sounds like you have made really good progress. Its hard work isnt it? but its so rewarding. Good luck with the makeover. Let us know how you get on.Happy gardening.
Best wishes,
8 Mar, 2008
Can't wait to see pictures of your progress. Hope you have a fantastic gardening season..!
9 Mar, 2008
Its great to take before and after photos,i often look at all our before photos,And think all that hard work paid off...................
8 Apr, 2008
Is this the area you cleared&wrote about Xela?
8 Mar, 2008