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Clematis Avalanche

Clematis Avalanche (Clematis 'Avalanche')

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Lovely. Is this a clematis?

17 Apr, 2009


Very pretty..........

17 Apr, 2009


Is this your C. 'Avalanche'? If so, I shall be delighted! Mine is just coming out - lots and lots of buds!!! :-)

18 Apr, 2009


It's a lovely clear white isn't it? Not cream or off white.

18 Apr, 2009


It is indeed Clematis Avalanche - and its a beauty - Spritz you will not be disapointed, mine is absolutely dripping in flowers, truely stunning,. and yes it is a very clear white, a bit lime green towards the centre.

19 Apr, 2009


The flowers look as though they will be similar to 'Early Sensation' but bigger.
They both have lots of buds! Can't wait!

19 Apr, 2009


yes i know what you mean, i am really pleased with mine.

19 Apr, 2009


This site is leathel for that Avis is'nt it - the wish list just keeps getting bigger and bigger lol

24 Apr, 2009


very pretty maj....

28 Apr, 2009


Lost this clematis last year...combination of too dry and then the cold winter, I loved it not only for the flowers but the leaves as well, saw it for sale this year for £14.00 !!!! so the price had shot up, will wait for it to go down again.

28 Apr, 2009


B & Q £9.99 - but a very nice size plant approx 2 1/2 ft tall well established a few weeks ago - may have still have some!

29 Apr, 2009


Thanks MJH will take a look....have just bought 7 clematis for £15.00 from The Range.

2 May, 2009


Wow! Are they little ones for growing on?

What's 'The Range' please?

3 May, 2009


Spritz the Range is a chain of shops.....they sell most household items and lots of plants all very reasonable, their Clematis are usually 5 for £10.00 mostly a foot tall, put some in last autumn and they have all taken, the ones I paid between £10 and 14.00 have died!! it has paid me to start small, do you not have a Range by you?

3 May, 2009


We have a Range, but as far as i know they don't do plants? but it does'nt matter because just down the road a bit id QD stores and Wilkos - now there i have got some good bargains. QD and Wilkos are both doing Clematis for around £1.99/£1.50 Each at the moment for the same size you have mentioned, also Wilko have bigger ones at £5.50 that are around 2.5ft - i have bought 2 of this size and not had any problems as yet.

4 May, 2009

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This photo is of species Clematis 'Avalanche'.

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