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the stream


By Rkda

the stream

stream runs through our garden and has various water foliage and water cress grows naturally

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Wow how cool is that. Having your own water supply must be financially acceptable,

18 Apr, 2009


I adore water cress. Do you pick any?

24 Apr, 2009


I love watercress too - especially soup- I was put off using it by someone who told me you have to be careful of wild watercress so didn't use it. now I have discovered that someone up the stream from me is farming it and selling it- so I think I will go and have a chat with them and see what I can find out. I am going to move some of the other water plants from around it and really encourage it this year so hopefully we can use it. Apparently the water meadow where we are, used to have water cress beds many many years ago- which was a local staple- I can feel some research coming on......

24 Apr, 2009

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