Poor little Jacky!!! Where's my lunch, Mom?
By Lori
- 8 Mar, 2008
barely fledged and wanting independence ...but still came to me fanning his little wings and chirping miserably "til I relented and fed him bread and milk.
Comments on this photo
aaaahhhh bless hope you have laid out lots of taisty treats for Jacky and his mates! lol
8 Mar, 2008
How cute :)
8 Mar, 2008
House sparrow, yes? It is cute begging for a feed!
1 Apr, 2008
LOL--he's flailed so much that he's lost some of his down feathers! You can see them to the right! This is adorable, no doubt! :D
28 Jun, 2008
Hi Marguerite!... I soaked bread in milk and fed it to Jacky and his sib with a pair of serger tweezers...I used the milk to make up the nutrients that they wouldn't get from just bread...lol. I tried a number of things but fed them mostly worms and milk sodden bread! I don't understand why it would be against the law to feed wild birds???
21 Jul, 2008
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AWwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is so SWEEEETTTTTTTT Lori Just look at its little face :)
8 Mar, 2008