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Zephirine Droughin Rose Buds 4 Spritz


By Jacque

Zephirine Droughin Rose Buds 4 Spritz

Im fighting 2 keep Black Spot @ Bay on this Rose rite now :( Been Spraying since March in hope that My Roses wouldnt get it this yr :( So far this rose is only 1 with signs of it on :/ Iv even tried putting Sulphure onto ground around base but still getting Black Spot :(

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I have one of these roses new this year . I'll have to sprey it I think. No black spot yet though. I hope you can get rid of it Jacque.

30 Apr, 2009


Why do we have to put up with these horrible diseases ! there should be a law against it ... lol...

30 Apr, 2009


Beutiful close up and great detail, Jacque...I hope you can find a solution so we can see a beautiful bloom...

30 Apr, 2009


Thanx every1 iv been Spraying for England out there again this morning & picked off more Leafs with Black Spot On :( iv run out of my Spray now so il be shopping to buy more b4 wked :)

30 Apr, 2009

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This photo is of "Rose "Zelphirine Droughin"" in Jacque's garden

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