By Greenfingers

2 May, 2009
Bought some bare roots just a few weeks ago, on sale 5 for £2! Bargains! They're all coming up beautifully, just got to keep the darn slugs/snails off them. They're currently sat on the edge of the pond, but I think they'll need bigger pots soon. I'm not going to risk planting them in the beds as we have a very BIG slug/snail problem.
Comments on this photo
Ah, I will show you a snail problem in a pic shortly!
5 May, 2009
Not Fire & Ice YoungDaisyDee, I'll have to look it up. There are soooo many Hostas, but the Fire & Ice have more of a 'flame' shape leaf from what I've found on the www. Maybe as these grow I'll get a better idea of their names. For now, I'll just call them Henry, Henrietta, Hermione, Harriot and Harry from the Hosta family.
Newfie - we have slugs and snails by the bucket load here, darn critters, why on earth were they invented, apart from to munch their way through our prized possesions? I've actually resorted to slug pellets, something I avoid as we've got 3 cats. But the cats don't seem bothered about going on the parts of the garden where I've sprinkled them. I don't like chemicals of any description but I was desparate.
5 May, 2009
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Flippin Slugs, Hate them, love your hosta tho, is it fire and Ice?
3 May, 2009