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Davidia involucrata, large deciduous tree, Hankerchief tree, Malahide Castle

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love this tree. I keep wanting to buy one, but they say it would take years to flower.

11 May, 2009


its lovely

11 May, 2009


It does take years, Michaella, but it is worth it, if you have the space.

12 May, 2009


I live in Cape York tropical Queensland australia where we have a native Manilota lentilcellata which has the common name of handkerchief tree , It is native to Iron Range,Cape York. flowers are quite different to yourDavidia involucrata .
In areas further in the south of the country ,there is one [from China] that is grown. its the same as the one you picyured only its called Davidia invulucrata.

28 Dec, 2009


There are probably several more 'hankerchief trees' in the world, Pitta. The name here is base on the flower shape, What is the reference with Manilota? I would say that your chinese one is the same with just a misspelling. Cheers.

2 Jan, 2010

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