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Orchid cactus

Orchid cactus (Srlenphyllumx cooperi syn. epiphyllum crenatum)

I do all the local greenhouses & nurseries each year, only occasionally finding something different that catches my eye. How weird is it that I found this hiding amonst a display of hanging baskets of petunias & impatiens at a little corner variety store?? Of course it had to come home with me...

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Healthy looking specimen :)

13 May, 2009


As it should! Wonderful find, probably found itself the best home it could from the sound of the source. :-) Mine is from a tiny cutting and still not mature enough to flower after 6 years.

29 May, 2009

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Pictures by Grammazoo
821 of 2338

What else?

This photo is of species Srlenphyllumx cooperi syn. epiphyllum crenatum.

This photo is of "30. Houseplant - Cactus, Orchid, red" in Grammazoo's garden

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