By Doon

18 May, 2009
Voodoo Fish Head
Comments on this photo
Hi greenthumb, how has the Winter been? Yes it protects my "Wilbrit" Rhodo,
19 May, 2009
A little longof a winter, last summer was chilly and winter very very cold. Ended up long. Check out my blog if you can brave it. 'Cold Snap' Spring is now a little late, greenhouses a little behind schedule. But we're all thinking hot hot hot, to come! So far been a wonderful spring. Last spring was still hard frosting every night. I put in a greenhouse to extend the season too. :-)
20 May, 2009
I will check out your blog, Hope it will be hot X3 4 sure. I am having a heck of a time with getting my bush beans to even sprout...........too chilly, the pole beans R no problem, but then I do not have my green house any more, only a cold frame. Have a good growing season GT.
20 May, 2009
Love these Doon. Did you make them?
21 May, 2009
No Tasteyg, A wonderful artist on our island makes these, she is so talented.
25 May, 2009
Will read 'cold snap", thx for the Heads Up
25 May, 2009
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The rhodo looks lovely too. Well protected by voodoo's my guess. :-)
19 May, 2009