The Euphorbia robbiae
By Spritzhenry
- 18 Mar, 2008
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Comments on this photo
Why say sorry? It always helps to have warnings about rogue plants! I warn people about Symphytum - it is a real THUG! Last year I tried to get rid of most of it as it was just everywhere in the garden, but it regrows from tiny bits of roots and also from seeds! The flowers are quite pretty, so I can see why Nurseries sell it...
19 Mar, 2008
I'm afraid it is not in the nurseries' interests to put warnings on the plants they sell....
21 Mar, 2008
You are so right! I also have a pretty thug called Phuopsis stylosa which spreads everywhere and refuses to be controlled. Plus of course, my lovely Erigeron karvinskianus which seeds everywhere - but I love it! I have to smile when I spot these two on sale at £4.99 per small pot. I could be a millionaire (well, almost) lol.
21 Mar, 2008
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4 Feb, 2008
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm sure it'll be fine!!! ;-D
19 Mar, 2008