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18_3_1.jpg (Narcissus)

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This is nice&bright 4 a Dull Morning Ang :) iv only few Daffs left flowering now in my garden& the Te-Tes have lasted much longer than the Big Daffs do u find this?

19 Mar, 2008


hi jac, this is a 'Minnow' simular to tete a tete, but diff colour but yes i do agree the smaller ones are lasting longer, i have some lovely 'rip van winkle' which seem to be my longest lasting so far. nice little dwarf variey with spiky double blooms and they were first out and are still going strong!

19 Mar, 2008


hi jac, this is a 'Minnow' simular to tete a tete, but diff colour but yes i do agree the smaller ones are lasting longer, i have some lovely 'rip van winkle' which seem to be my longest lasting so far. nice little dwarf variey with spiky double blooms and they were first out and are still going strong!

19 Mar, 2008


dont mean to repete myself - comp playing up this morning!

19 Mar, 2008


Iv been snapping off the dead Daffs heads is this what your ment2do after flower As my neighbour Ann Cuts whole of hers half way down when their finished flowering?

19 Mar, 2008


yep, don't do what your nieghbour is doing! i always snap the head off - making sure you get the little pod bit on the back of the flower, and then i squirt them with mirricle grow - dead heading incorrages them to spread and feeding while still green or in flower helps promote more flowers for next year. you should leave all the green on the plant until it turns yellow, even if it does look a bit scraggly and messy don't be temped to cut it down or tie it up - as the bulb needs all of the energy from the leaves to go back into the bulb for it to produce loads of flowers next year. restricting or cutting off the foliege too early could result in them coming up blind next year!

19 Mar, 2008


Thanx4that ang il tell Ann shes NAUGHTY then lol,Could i use pelleted plant food dug in around bulbs u think?

19 Mar, 2008


pelleted plant food is good ealier on but would say that liquid or powder that you mix with water is best now - as you can poor it on the leaves and the plant will take it quicker. pelleted food will prob take too long now.

19 Mar, 2008


Great advice il buy some at wked AngX

19 Mar, 2008

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This photo is of species Narcissus.

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This photo is of "Daffodil (mini) 'Minnow'" in Majeekahead's garden

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