These will be Star Gazer Lillys ...
By Jacque

19 Mar, 2008
Got these for just 50p a BULB from the POUND SHOP
Comments on this photo
Thanx 4 telling me bout the Slugs Sid best i get some grit around them 2?
20 Mar, 2008
And watch out for red lily beetles ,and here is a tip for buying cheep pots go to your local florist and ask if they sell their old pots the one on my town sell them for 50p for about 25 all you need to do is give them a good wash
20 Mar, 2008
Great Tip Thanx Janette :)
20 Mar, 2008
My nearest pound shop is 15 miles away Lol.I could do with some more flower bargains.
20 Mar, 2008
Poor you not having a POUND SHOP : ( Best you save some pennys &do the 15 mile trek just to Buy Those Bargain Plants! :) Im sure theyl have something2catch your eye Jackie46
20 Mar, 2008
Pound Shop like our Dollar Store..I take it?
Imagine finding lillies at the Dollar Store...They are soooo beautiful and their scent will fill your garden...You will love them.
23 Mar, 2008
nice photos jacgue,i bet you never got your camera from the pound shop
24 Mar, 2008
lol No its from ARGOS ;) Only £49.99 its a Kodak 715c great buy :)
24 Mar, 2008
Get good bargains from the Pound Shop - I get flower pots from there - £1 for 8 1ltr pots - not bad, eh?
Watch out for slugs Jac - they love lillies and make a beeline for these new shoots. grrrrr
19 Mar, 2008