The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Nuphar lutea Yellow Lily


By Pride

Nuphar lutea Yellow Lily

Edible Uses
Drink; Leaves; Root; Seed.
The root if cooked produces an edible starch, this has a bitter flavour, but the bitterness can be removed by leaching the root in water.
Leaves and leaf stalks can cooked and eaten, I would suggest adding a sweet wine to the mix.
Seed is cooked and then ground into a powder, this used in making bread and porridge, or in thickening soups or for wine making.
The seed, if roasted, expands like popcorn, but doesn't burst in the same way. It is normally eaten dry, but add toffee to make a popcorn subsistute.
A refreshing tea can be made from the flowers..

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