The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

New Water Feature


By Puddles

New Water Feature

This is my new water feature built by my husband, not quite finished putting stones down, have to go back and buy some more next weekend. It is amazing what you can do with a small graden, a little imagination and a clever husband! I am hoping this will atract more wildlife into my garden.

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hubby did a great job puddles

4 Jun, 2009


Yes, he really is very clever - always coming up with interesting ideas and now he is interested in the garden as he can come out and play about with his water feature!

4 Jun, 2009


lol,, nice when they contribute to the garden, it does get them more interested, baz the same

4 Jun, 2009


Fantastic spot - love the plantings around the water feature as well.

5 Jun, 2009



5 Jun, 2009

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