Can anyone ID the larger weed?
By Gillian
- 5 Jun, 2009
Found it! It is called Lamb's Quarters, Chenopodium album, can grow to 6' tall and one plant can produce thousands of seeds.
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I think it is the one that has small yellow flowers, but I can't remember it's name....
5 Jun, 2009
Sorry, I guess it is not the same as the ones I had - they were more like a phlox and the silvery green leaves had a rubbery texture to them. I'll upload an old photo anyway while I'm adding photos today! Glad you figured yours out!
5 Jun, 2009
Is there a section anywhere that weeds are pictured and ID'd? It would be very useful!
10 Jun, 2009
Hey, is that what this weed is called?? I have them everywhere but they are easy to pull out.
12 Jun, 2009
I know, it's just one of those plants you recognise as a weed but never really knew what the name was! I was concerned about the lady letting her cat eat it thinking it was catnip so did some research on the name.
12 Jun, 2009
Did you find out if it was poisonous Gillian??
13 Jun, 2009
Wasn't mentioned so I'm hoping not! Her cat seems to be ok so far!
13 Jun, 2009
I eat them in salads, a little sharp but spinachy. They should be fine for the cat as well. They take over, so no need to encourage them. Its a fine potherb.
1 Jul, 2009
Interesting! Never thought of eating them!
2 Jul, 2009
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Someone in my garden group thinks it is catnip (I'm sure it's not, leaves are very thin) and her cat likes to eat it. I am trying to ID it and see if it's actually ok for the cat to eat! The leaves often become more silvery, sometimes with a red edge. I have always recognised it as a weed but have no idea of the name!
5 Jun, 2009