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strawberry fair

strawberry fair

me and melly had a great time.the rain held of and we got some great bargains.i was a bit gutted as there were some insectivorous plants ie pitchers and venus fly traps but my van was so far away and it was heaving with people so not possible realy.i had to go one step further like i do and went to the kiddies face painters and helped her or advised the young lady to draw the skull.i sore a man with the hat just as a coinceadence excuse my spelling.i couldnt believe how brilliant they looked together till i got home.realy reminded me of evil dead three army of darkness.the film is a horror comedy.i feal another self portaite comming on lol.if i do a black background and capture the highlights in the goggles and on the leather hat it should look mad.i think it will be a real challange drawing me trying with props i guess trying to look like something else.i love infact i need a challange a nice good man realy lol.i couldnt believe how many people wanted there picture took with me lol i dont mind.i just got to finish amies elephant im doing.theres a picture on here of how far ive got with this majestic bull in front of mount kilomanjaro

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I,m glad you had a nice day NP , I thought about you , The strawberry fair was on the news this evening .. I couldn,t see you anywhere .. LOL ..
everybody they spoke to said how wonderful it was and that they had thoroughly enjoyed it ..
I expect you wil be going again next year !!

Sorry I forgot to say that I like your makeup :o)

6 Jun, 2009


i see your dressed for the

6 Jun, 2009


Excellent! Definitely a portrait there, even an idea for a tat??? Almost a zombie-aviator effect, or ghost of Eric the Red, lol. Can see him (you) in the foreground with a ghostly gutted old bomber airplane in the backdrop, etc.

6 Jun, 2009


Why Leigh you look exactly like a strawberry! I am interested to see the rest of your tatoo at the neck there.. the eyes are looking at us...6 if you count the need all of these eyes in your painting..yes and maybe on each tip of the horns as well..the bomber airplane in the back there's a thought...too...oh and all of the piercings..tiny wee little eyes...oh dear now I have run off in my mind..
...eye wheel bee back....

7 Jun, 2009


grrrrrr didnt i scare you amy lol if your going to do something you got to do it properly i say not dressed sandra i just felt a bit death warmed up lol.i didnt have make up on lol what are you all saying.i realy loved it and melly and my daughter and nephew was nice to go with a fresh mind for once.ive done some stupid things before like drinking,smoking and worse whitch im not proud of.i feal alive now and i give myself a pat on the back.about time i grew up .melly got some lovley bargains so what makes her happy makes me happy and shes happy about me not smoking or anything.just a brilliant day all round.actualy we left because people were starting to get louder and drunker just like i mite of done well would of done so we happily left with our bag of sugar cane.i think your on drugs cat lol . im going to get stuck into my garden today now as im having that open day on the 21st of this month and im glad to say this year i cant sell enough raffle tickets lol all good for the hospice.i fral a 1`000`000 times better than a fiew months ago.i just got to subtaly perswayed young melly to give up smoking now lol though im not going to fall out with her over it.anyway take care everyone and thanx so much time to stop running on lol

7 Jun, 2009


Glad you had fun was havin fun with ya too..not on drugs....get to work in your garden then got lots to do...might want to keep the helmet on...keep the sun off or the rain..either one actually...very versatile piece I would say.

7 Jun, 2009


me to cat and get stuck in i shal asap take care bye for now xx

7 Jun, 2009


ummm Leigh...did you know it is 4:30 a.m. there? You up with the birds? or up shaking the branches to wake them up?

7 Jun, 2009


yes ive bean getting up with the birds and going to bed when it gets dark for that reasen as it goes lol.bye for now take care xx

7 Jun, 2009


Well done for stopping smoking NP . I stopped as well 4yrs ago , I agree you do feel cleaner and more alive ......

We all do stupid things sometimes NP , it,s wether we learn from them that counts .

This is the first I knew that you had a daughter , how old is she ,
Is she artistic like you ?

7 Jun, 2009


I am usually up by 4 a.m too .....summer it gets dark so late..and light so early...winters are hard on me, I love the summer light.

7 Jun, 2009


well i have 2 step daughters and 2 step sons as it goes lol but none of them are arty infact they would do well to do worse at art 2 sisters and brother are all good at art.andrea my oldest sisters art shows in her cooking and shes a great hairdresser.we are all good cooks brother is good at technical drawing i cant even spell other sister is the second best artist i guess but shes very good at beautifull writing and shes brilliant at maths dad was asswell and hes the arty one .my mums terrible but is a good cook and a very determind persen who seams to remember everything though shes losing it a bit but she is 77 lol .i doubt ill get that far the way ive abused myself.ive never had a partner who is a good cook melly being the best.i can dice a mean carrot.with being rubbish with money and sometimes not having much ive learned how to make new dinners etc out of whats get pork chops .fry them with garlic and a little olive oil and butter untill brown with a chopped onion and mushrooms.get out ya slow cooker and put the chops etc in it.then get a tin of chicken soup and stew the chops in the soup.delishes if you like chops ofcourse lol but you could do the same with an artist i have to be my own best critic and i want everyone else to be is built on mistakes.if you didnt get it wrong and know it how would you know how to get it riight.if you burn yourself in a flame thats perhaps a mistake .if you do it again its your own fault and makes you a fool.if you didnt burn yourself in a little flame your likley to burn yourself bad instead.
thanx amy odd that we gave up at the same time lol.
cat i truley envy bears as i would hybernate and stay awake every waking moment of the summer lol
ggggGGGGGgggggGGGGGggggrrrrRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr lol

7 Jun, 2009


Bears always have their way it

7 Jun, 2009


dont we all lol

7 Jun, 2009


If i didn't know you were such a nice chap i'd be scared of you!!!!

7 Jun, 2009


its only paint lol how if you think of it could i get away with being bad or breaking the law lol .on the other hand most bad people and law breaking types want to not stand out so they dont so in that respect most people including you should scare me lol .you seam a very nice lady and im sure you many times have murderers bean caught and the neighbers just cant believe there friendly neighber was infact a serial killer or sex offender ? take care sewing bye for now xx BOO lol

7 Jun, 2009


Oooeerrrr!!!!!! lol.

8 Jun, 2009


Wicked pic !

5 Mar, 2010


thank you annella nice to meet you .hope youve looked at other pics of mine to see the other side of me lol xx

6 Mar, 2010

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