More plant supports
By Buzzbee

21 Mar, 2008
I don't know if you'll see here, but I tried to support these with a sort of V-shaped fence arrangement of twigs.
Comments on this photo
Wellllllll. Now I shall have a problem - I can see that they would work, BUT the border in question is about 20' long I think. This is only one of several borders in our large garden. There are more. It's wonderful having a very large garden, but it does have its downside - my credit card, which is NOT a flexible friend - LOL. The AG Gardening Show is not until end August / beginning of September. Obviously I need them before then - will have to go and cut some more twiggy bits!
22 Mar, 2008
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15 Jun, 2008
Yes - looks fine. Have you got any ideas for plants at the front of the border which tend to flop onto the grass? It drives my husband mad because he drives the mower (LOL) and then he runs over the floppy stems! (CRIES).
21 Mar, 2008