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When it Rains


By Lisann

When it Rains

As you can see, the back path becomes a stream bed when it rains. This is the view from my upstairs window. I am impatiently waiting for my groundcover (elfin thyme) to take hold. 2010 update: The center area where the thyme should have taken collected too much water so I had to build it up. So I encircled it with rocks and built itup about 6 inches or so. Also, none of the proposed ground covers took except the mazus reptans (purple variety). It is lovely and very plush! But in the summer of 2010 I got horriffic slime/root rot of some sort - spread EVERYWHERE! If anyone else gets this please do try sprinkling corn meal around the entire area - light dusting. It worked WONDERS. I will start this spring with the same and possibly avoid the problem all together for 2011!

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