Very Nosy Squirrel! No1
By Lilymac

22 Jun, 2009
This is the first photo in a sequence of shots of a very nosy squirrel. She appeared on the table then slowly got closer and closer to the patio doors. Don't know who was more fascinated, me or her! Shame about the reflection on the glass but didn't want to move the camera and spoil the moment.
Comments on this photo
No, just very cheeky squirrels! A short time before this, she had even came in the back door while I was having my coffee, and was making her way to Huxley's bed to investigate a chewy stick he had left there! I chased her away, closed the door over and then minutes later she was back, standing on her hind legs and scratching at the glass to get back in!!
23 Jun, 2009
wonderful pics going to my favourites
23 Jul, 2009
You cheeky monkey! - Love this photo Lilymac. Added to my favourites too.
6 Oct, 2009
9 Oct, 2009
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Great must have a special camera
22 Jun, 2009