Cytisus Battandieri (Moroccan Broom)
By Dawnsaunt

23 Jun, 2009
The flowers smell of pineapple!
Comments on this photo
Its the best its ever been this year - simply loaded with flowers :-)
23 Jun, 2009
its looks fantastic and to smell of pineapple,,,,,,, well perfect
23 Jun, 2009
Previous years its been covered with snails. But thanks to our GOY members' advice, none on it this year. Just needed some copper wire around the base to stop them climbing up :-)
23 Jun, 2009
Its beautiful Dawn.....unusual flowers....
23 Jun, 2009
Beautiful plants, mine has just finished flowering. Only problem, I had to keep squashing blackfly. It was a real problem this year!
23 Jun, 2009
Thanks Milky :-)
Havent seen blackfly Paul, thank goodness.
23 Jun, 2009
Do the bees like this Dawn ?
24 Jun, 2009
Hi BB, yes the bees like it alot :-) Which is always a bonus isnt it.
24 Jun, 2009
Great...we have been getting lots of bees on our hardy geraniums and honeysuckle...and welcome !
24 Jun, 2009
Lets hope their numbers are recovering :-) The bees have been going mad on a shrub this last week - cant remember what it is - like a huge cotoneaster with small pink flowers. Its on one of those border pics.
24 Jun, 2009
This was one of the first plants to ever go on my wish list ! Don't even want to think back how many years ago that Wish I could grow it here , doesn't like my climate ...:-(
30 Jun, 2009
That's a shame FLC. What doesnt the plant like about your climate. This survives the hard frosts we get. The snails love it but a copper band has stopped the little devils climbing it this year.
1 Jul, 2009
2 Jul, 2009
I believe I remember reading that they prefer well drained soils, especially if sandy, and we have very hard, red clay soil. I also believe it gets too cold here . We get down to -15 degrees Celsius in the winter.Now that I know you have a beautiful specimen, I'll just visit your posts when I start longing for one !....:-)
2 Jul, 2009
Hi there FLC. Well if its any consolation, this is growing in heavy, yellow clay and I do tend to neglect it a bit - really should feed it, lol. This winter we had temperatures of -12 and its been OK. But you are very welcome to keep visiting mine :-))
2 Jul, 2009
You're tempting me into trying it again
4 Jul, 2009
Good for you FLC - it had no protection in the winter either - quite cruel arent I and it has rewarded me with all these flowers :-)
4 Jul, 2009
7 Jul, 2009
You've certainly been blessed with a gorgeous specimen, just goes to show you can't always rely on the description and requirements that come with the plants. On occasion, it can really pay off to try them in your garden anyway.
7 Jul, 2009
Very true FLC, although I have also lost many plants by being adventurous, lol. Its the late spring frosts that usuallly devastate my plants but lucky with this one. The flowers are going over now but the whole bush was covered in them :-)
7 Jul, 2009
Yes that's one of the things I have to ask myself before I buy something that's not hardy in my area "am I willing to pay this price to see it bloom once", knowing it probably won't come back. Being obsessed with flowers, the ansewer is usually yes, and on a rare occasion they do come back. I have to admit, I get excited when something comes back that isn't supposed to. I feel like I've just discovered a new plant,, and I can't wait to share the info with my friends. I gives me a little sense of what it must be like for these horticulturists, when they go on an expedition and find a new species of plant. That would be so cool !
8 Jul, 2009
It sounds like you and I will always take risks then FLC - but like you say, such a buzz if they pull through. We have peaches this year - I told my husband when he bought the tree that it was a waste of money and that it would never fruit - and it has this year! Quite amazing.
8 Jul, 2009
Way to Go...! Gardening just never loses it's thrill, does it !....:-)
9 Jul, 2009
Very true FLC :-)
10 Jul, 2009
Another of my favourites.
26 Nov, 2009
Mine too - I love the smell.
26 Nov, 2009
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