hammock site ready to be grassed
By Joebell

24 Mar, 2008
Comments on this photo
notice the posts are extra strong jacgue ?
24 Mar, 2008
Arent they all ;)
24 Mar, 2008
Do you own this allotment, Joebell? The council ones near me are strictly for veggies or cut flowers for domestic use only - you can't grow flowers or do your own thing like grass/hammocks like a normal garden :-(
24 Mar, 2008
no i pay rent to the local housing group who run all the housing estates and allotment sites in the city of sunderland it used to a garage site with about 15 garages they are now two the others were vandelized smashed up burnt down stolen cars were dumped here and burned out every weekend, at this time i worked for the council training youngsters and people with special needs basic gardening and diy skills and the local councilers asked me if i could tidy the place up .so i set about cleaning it up,withten workers in 1989 we filled12 skips of rubble dug up tarmac roadways and built a greenhouse brought in tons of top soil errected two pollytunnels two cabins a rollalong that was my office and grow thousands of plants and made garden furniture .i trained many youngsters over the years who now are grown men some work in our local parks but in 1996 the council moved me to work on a walled garden in doxford park gardens .the local residents were up in arms when they found it was closing so i asked if i could use it as a allotment ,they were only to pleased to keep the local residents happy,
24 Mar, 2008
my wife and i worked it till about two years ago when i became ill and my son and his pal took it on i still paid the rent but just before xmas i was told by a local resident that the patch as it is known was starting to look shabby we new our son was working seven days aweek but thought his pal would have him out no way, it was a tip so the wife and i decided to clean it up and make it easy to lookafter local residents are pleased with what we have done and often call in for a chat .
24 Mar, 2008
Oh, that's lovely. It's nice to know that a community will stand together to protect a little bit of 'green'. I envie the view from those houses - they must enjoy watching things develop, even if they don't garden themselves.
25 Mar, 2008
Cant wait2see u swinging away in the Hammock Joebell :D
24 Mar, 2008