By Heartnsol57

25 Jun, 2009
Comments on this photo
looks nice and healthy, Heartnsol57. the florets will develop from the centre suggestion...just for support hill the plants for support around the roots (be careful to draw the soil from a foot or more away so you don't disturb the root) or stake them...because when the heads develop your plant will need the support... watch out for cabbage worm. They are the larva of a beautiful little butterfly which has soft green wings, silvery underneath..with a tiny "eyespot" on the upper save time you could just google it! they lay their eggs on the underside of the leaf.. if you have cabbages nearby you'll see them for sure. the larva eat your leaves and leave dark green pellets (their droppings) Pick the larvae and squish and wash down with soapy water. (real soap, not detergent) especially on the undeside of the leaf.
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks Lori. No cabbage this year but I will do everything else you suggested!
30 Jun, 2009
Well Lori, got my first heads of broccoli! How nice they are. Take a look at the new pictures!
17 Jul, 2009
wonderful... something about the taste of home grown just can't be found in the store bought stuff! and there's always the satisfaction factor too!
18 Jul, 2009
Thanks Lori! And yes it sure was yummy. I like to roast mine in the oven with some olive oil.
19 Jul, 2009
I've been stuck in the rut of always steaming my broccoli.
Will have to try roasting it ...maybe along with some garlic with olive oil, of course! great idea, Heartnsol57.
19 Jul, 2009
Thanks Lori. Yes, thats what I do. I also roast my potatoes corn(on the grill) brussel sprouts and anything else I can.
20 Jul, 2009
Mmmm ...I really want a nice veggie patch next year.
24 Jul, 2009
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It looks healthy. I've never grown broccoli so I wouldn't be much help... :o)
26 Jun, 2009