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my first little morning glory of the year June 27 2009

my first little morning glory of the year June 27 2009

started these outside from seed as I don't have the room to start seed inside

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Oh wow that's so pretty...mine are nowhere near flowering yet as I grew them from seed rather late! I love these...when we went to Crete there was a similar flower or maybe the same one blooming everywhere...just tumbling over walls & gardens by the roadside...just gorgeous.

27 Jun, 2009


I didn't think mine were any where near flowering either. Look how small the plant is! I started mine from seed outside, not sure when, but I have this one, tiny bloom was surprised it showed up. I thought the vines would need to get going and have a good foot on them.
I really have too much in this pot, but when you put those seeds in, it doesn't seem like much, ...until they grow.
I don't know what this colour is called, but it is really pretty.

27 Jun, 2009

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