By Pamazon

30 Jun, 2009
For some reason, this plant never seems to look as good on a photo as it is for real. Maybe I should lie on the floor and take a pic looking up at it LOL.
Comments on this photo
Thank you very much Andalus.
30 Jun, 2009
I love these - is it hardy in your garden?
1 Jul, 2009
I have it down by the wall of my house in the gap between the wall and my tiny shed, it is quite sheltered there, so it is quite safe from severe frost. I is contained in a large tub.It had gone to spindly last year, I pruned it back quite hard and thought I had lost it, but it has gone on to produce a lot of new shoots, bless it. I did apologise and beg it to stay alive LOL.
1 Jul, 2009
I'd like to grow it, but I really haven't anywhere as sheltered for it. :-(
4 Jul, 2009
Spritz, I have another one just growing up my fence in the garden, not sheltered from anything and it weathered the very severe frosts we had, sometimes - 3 in that bad spell. It was only a wimpy stick when I bought it last year, but it is growing OK, you could try one and see :o)
4 Jul, 2009
Would it grow up an obelisk, do you think? I've run out of wall and fence space! lol.
4 Jul, 2009
It would probably do well on a tall obelisk as it climbs quite high, but I guess you could train it around it and keep it trimmed. I am not much of an expert on these, I was given it as a present and popped it into a tub down by my window. Like you, I am running out of climbing space LOL.
5 Jul, 2009
lovely plant pam,
8 Jul, 2009
Thanks San, it is doing OK after I nearly killed the poor thing :o(
8 Jul, 2009
I'm not convinced that it would survive the wind without the protection you are giving it, Pam, as the obelisk is quite exposed. :-(
I think I've talked myself into leaving this one to you!
9 Jul, 2009
Thanks Spritz, I do think it survives because it is out of the wind and sheltered by my little shed. Sorry you cant grown one :o(
9 Jul, 2009
stunning plant ,, i agree with you Pamazon many plant on the photo not looking good than the real .. anyway very nice plant :)
30 Jun, 2009