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Sweetpea 'Wiltshire Ripple'

Sweetpea 'Wiltshire Ripple' (Lathyrus odoratus (Old-Fashioned Sweet Pea))

Comments on this photo



6 Jul, 2009


lovely ang

6 Jul, 2009


A Wondeful Colour Ang :)

6 Jul, 2009


Its lovely

6 Jul, 2009


What a beauty.

7 Jul, 2009


thanks i collected these seeds from plants i grew last year... i think it will be one i will keep collecting :-)

8 Jul, 2009


Id love some of the Seed Ang if uv any spare ? BTW your New member Pic is Lovely of u & little Brooke :)XXX

8 Jul, 2009


nice profile pic ang :o)

8 Jul, 2009


thanks, and yes Jac ofcourse you can have some seeds, best to remind later in the know what i am like lol.

9 Jul, 2009


Thanx Ang i wont 4 get :)

9 Jul, 2009


good coz i proberly will lol

9 Jul, 2009


lol :)

9 Jul, 2009


Very pretty love the colour too

15 Jul, 2009


thanks.. these are all but finished :-( too far back to get to them to dead head...will collect the seed and sow them somewhere else next year...they were really nice along the fence last year...maybe will do that again.

17 Jul, 2009


They are georgous though I would too

17 Jul, 2009


it will be the 3rd year i have saved this one, i really like it.

18 Jul, 2009


Shame you could nt get this in a perenial one instead of having to reseed

18 Jul, 2009


mmm would be convienient would'nt because this one does grow far better if started off in toilet rolls in the greenhouse...

19 Jul, 2009


lol where theres muck theres money wish I had a green house I bought a plastic one once and the neighbours were jealous even though they were not gardeners and their kids slashed it all tipped my plants out so I left a message one day smile your on camera thank you they never came again lol

19 Jul, 2009


how awful.... sounds like you have neighbours from hell Morgana. do they have access to your garden? the greenhouse i have is polycarbonate, which is nearly as good as glass...some prefer it, but a little cheaper to buy... maybe give that a go,,, far more robust than a plastic one.

21 Jul, 2009


Yes they do all they had to do is climb the fence or gate, thanks for the idea of a polycarbonate one sounds good I will look around see if they have one for disabled people.

22 Jul, 2009


I am sure they will do Morgana... they do pretty much the same shapes and sizes as you can get in glass now days... just much cheaper and safer... which would be good.... the other alterantive is a cold frame, or little lean to, or cupbord type thingy,,, if you know what i mean, i have seen them advertised, easy to keep and they also come in bet is to have a look through the catalogues..

22 Jul, 2009


I don't have catalogues. but will look around the shops there is one here called range I ll see what they do in the line of these

22 Jul, 2009


we have a range, not sure you will get it there, B & Q may be a better bet... or even better just type 'greenhouses' in your search engine and look online.. mine was bought on line...

22 Jul, 2009


Thanks for that Majeekahead.

22 Jul, 2009


Thanks I will look

22 Jul, 2009

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This photo is of "Sweet Pea 'Wiltshire Ripple'" in Majeekahead's garden

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